2010年2月9日 星期二


學會志工 廖超凡 獲保德信人壽志工菁英獎

擔任學會志工將近6年的超凡, 累積志工時數已超過300小時( 目前仍在增加中) ; 從小學畢業的暑假開始, 雖須面對學校各種考試 , 升學考試等挑戰, 卻始終沒有或忘對本學會的付出, 尤其在自身努力下, 期間曾獲科博館舉辦" 科學繪圖"比賽的第一名及佳作. 此次在五千多人的競爭中, 已入圍前30名, 將繼續爭取更好的名次(仍在審核中), 如有進一步消息, 再作宣佈. (參閱2010/02/09 自由時報 " 中市焦點 "版 )
Chao-Fan Liao, a volunteer at the Wild Bird Rescue Institute of Taichung (WRIT), won The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards.
Being a volunteer in the WRIT for almost six years and the accumulated voluntary hours are more than three hundred hours (the number is now increasing), Chao-fan doesn’t stop devoting to the WRIT even faced with many kinds of tests in the school and the entrance exam. In this period, she gained the first prize and excellent work in the Scientific Drawing Competition held by National Museum of Nature Science.
There are more than 5000 competitors, and she was one of the top 30 persons (is still under audition). She will continue to try to get a better rank, and we will post if there are any news.
Translator -- Cynthia Zou
